    HomeNewsGoogle Introduces AI Overviews

    Google Introduces AI Overviews

    Google has launched AI Overviews, a new AI-powered search feature called. Read to know in detail.
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    Google’s new AI-powered search feature, AI Overviews, has been causing a stir online.

    This new Google feature was introduced at Google I/O 2024. It is supposed to provide users with concise summaries at the top of search results.

    However, as per reports, it generates misinformation and distorted facts.

    Some of the most notable errors include suggesting users put non-toxic glue on pizza to make the cheese stick better. 

    Other examples include telling people to eat rocks, run with scissors, and perpetuating the false conspiracy theory about former President Obama.

    Google has acknowledged these issues and has stated that it is taking fast action to remove inappropriate content. 

    A Google spokesperson told The Verge that while most AI Overviews provide high-quality information, some examples circulating online are “generally very uncommon queries” and “aren’t representative of most people’s experiences.”

    The company also mentioned that they had encountered doctored examples that couldn’t be reproduced. Google conducted extensive testing before launching the feature and used the feedback to develop broader system improvements.

    Despite the ongoing issues, Google maintains that AI Overviews have been well-received by users. According to a report by The Verge, Google CEO Sundar Pichai stated that people use Search more and are more satisfied with their results when AI Overviews are present.

    Google is refining the AI Overviews feature, and we need to wait and see how it will rectify the challenges of providing accurate and reliable information using artificial intelligence in its search results.

    Also Read: Google Introduces VEO – The High Definition Video Generator

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    Sanchita Das
    Sanchita Das
    Sanchita is with growing experience in troubleshooting and tech-related issues. Pursues interest in technology, gaming, media and storytelling and always ready to accept new challenges.


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