
    News & stuff

    Everything About WhatsApp Channels!

    Whatsapp has recently launched the Channels feature. WhatsApp Channels allow users to follow brands, celebrities, and anyone else they want for updates directly from them. Channels...

    Quick review: The new WhatsApp for macOS

    The once mobile-only social media platform now has dedicated apps for desktop environments, allowing users to stay connected on their preferred devices. I recently...

    Slack VS Teams: The Battle Continues

    Slack & Microsoft Teams are the two most popular collaboration tools. Both platforms offer various features to help the groups collaborate and communicate more effectively. Slack...

    App Recommendation: NVIDIA Broadcast App

    Nvidia graphics cards are mainly for gaming, but they can be used for much more than that, thanks to the comprehensive ecosystem the company...

    Mega: A Free Solution to Secure Cloud Storage

    Mega is an excellent cloud storage with one of the best free plans on the market. It’s safe with private end-to-end encryption and has...

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